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Mailbox Madness: Bustleton map up, registration open for February events
  • Topic created by joeymcgarvey on Sat Jan 18, 2025 at 8:58 pm
    Joey McGarvey (joeymcgarvey)
    Num Posts: 34
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map:
    First O: 0


    First, if you’ve seen me posting about Mailbox Madness but aren’t sure what it is—Ian and I organize a winter series of urban orienteering runs in Philly and its suburbs. Haven’t tried it out yet? Here’s my pitch:

    1. The big one: this is the closest to European-style urban orienteering you’ll find in DVOA.
    2. It’s a chance for off-season training!
    3. You get to see charming, interesting facets of Philly and its environs. We always recommend museums, restaurants, and other destinations for each neighborhood in case you feel like exploring more after the event.
    4. It’s cheap! Just $5 if you preregister.
    5. Every event is followed by a Mappy Hour/lunch for those who are interested. The runs begin with a mass start and there’s no pickup after—easy peasy!

    We post the map for each event afterward, so you can run and self-report your score if you wish. (We keep track of cumulative scores for the series.) You can find the Bustleton map from last weekend—as well as a lot more detail about Mailbox Madness—in this document.

    Registration is now live for the three remaining events in the 2025 series:

    • Sunday, February 2nd: Rittenhouse (plus Fitler Square, Graduate Hospital, and some other neighborhoods). Explore some of Philly’s stateliest, loveliest neighborhoods.
    • Saturday, February 15th: Media. Visit “Everybody’s Hometown” for a park-and-postbox-O. (We’ll have some control locations in Glen Providence Park.)
    • Saturday, March 1st: South Philly. Make your way through the famous Italian Market and its charismatic surroundings, neighborhoods with some of the best eats in Philly.

    Hope to see you at one (or more) of these events!


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