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Tom Delaney
  • Topic created by Orienteer7 on Wed Jan 11, 2023 at 5:39 pm
    Mark Frank (Orienteer7)
    Num Posts: 329
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1974
    For those old time DVOA members who do not generally read attackpoint I am posting sad news of Tom's death from Janaury 2022.  We had sent our normal once a year card to him and his wife and received a voice mail informing us of his passing early last year.  For those DVOA members who had a chance to get to now Tom  you would agree that he was always helpful, sincere and quite humerous.  Below is the note from attackpoint posted in January 2022.

    Tom Delaney, 61, died on Tuesday afternoon 1/25/22 while out on a trail run or hike. He was on a trail in Patapsco Valley State Park. Two hikers found him near sunset, deceased on the trail, then found his car keys and car and notified police. He had not been complaining of any maladies, had no known medical conditions, and seemed to be healthy. The cause of death hasn’t yet been determined; there were no signs of trauma.

    Tom was a member of Quantico OC for decades, although he competed infrequently the last several years. When he did run, it was mostly in one of the Patapsco park units, near his home in Hanover, MD. He was a stalwart member of Dave Linthicum’s annual Boy Scout event, the volunteer who had worked the event the longest, second only to Dave himself. He and Dave both grew up in Linthicum, MD, and started orienteering as Boy Scouts. He was a talented writer, at one point writing a column for the national orienteering magazine, as well as numerous articles for the Quantico newsletter. In recent years, he regaled his friends with amusing new year’s predictions and insightful recaps of NCAA basketball tournament games. Along with writing and orienteering, he was a dedicated volunteer on the trails at Broad Creek Boy Scout camp.

    Tom leaves behind a wife, Debbie Harding, and several siblings.
    He will be missed.
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