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President's Cup - Results & Thank You
  • Topic created by wriley on Mon Jan 23, 2023 at 10:01 pm
    Wyatt Riley (wriley)
    Num Posts: 145
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Spackman Creek
    First O: 1982
    If you haven't seen them, yet the results of yesterday's Peg Race (& Short) are here.   Sergei Ryzhkov was the fastest to the finish, and got the maximum recorded score of 12 pegs - but with the chaos of 'get peg, go back 1, go forward 2' controls, he, at one point, went 'forward 3' and ran right by #17...

    Which made room for a tight race among the rest of the field.  Stephen Pepe cross the line just ahead of Sam Kolins - but Sam Kolins had the most pegs, so finished first, with Glen Lewis coming through almost 2 minutes later, but also with 12 pegs, so taking 2nd.

    Paige Suhocki was 9th to the last control, but had picked up 7 pegs in doing so, earning a 5th spot overall, and 1st female.

    Thank you to the several day-of volunteers, almost none pre-arranged, that jumped in to make this event run smoother!

    Registration & Greetings: Ernie Schubert, Sam Kolins & Mary Frank
    Computer Expert: Sam Kolins
    Control Pickup: Mitch Zimmer, Petr Hartman, Dave Morgan and <4th person> (I knew I should've written this yesterday, already forgot...)

    And the many experienced orienteers that quickly figtured 
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